My diary #16


Summer vacation has started, are you enjoying yourself?

I went to Tomioka Town in Fukushima Prefecture for 3 nights and 4 days. This area was damaged by the tsunami and nuclear disaster caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Here, we sang along with people from all over Japan a song that was born in the disaster area.

We traveled by bus to various places such as the school that was damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the place where the song was born.

I was able to meet and talk with the songwriters and composers, and interact with people who were actually affected by the disaster. There were many things I could see and feel with my own eyes. It was a great experience.

↑I also sang a song about a police officer who was swept away by the tsunami. The nuclear power plant can be seen on the right.

↑ A school that remains as it was when it was damaged. All were safe after escaping to a nearby mountain.
