My diary #15


It's hot and hard these days. Let's do our best to overcome the tests and reports!

Good things have happened lately. My parents sent me a big gift. Among them was a Nagashi-somen machine like this. This container lights up! I have not used it yet, so I would like to try it next time.

Would you like to have a somen party with us?



  1. Hello. The machine looks very cute and fun. I have never done Nagashi-somen. I want to do it!

  2. Hi, Riri.
    I haven't done Nagashi Somen for years, and this made me want to do it for the first time in a long time. This Nagashi Somen machine is cute. I would like to use it.

  3. Hi, Riri! I have never done Nagashi Soumen. So, I want to do it during this summer vacation. The Nagashi Soumen looks like a lot of fun!

