My diary #8


It's been hot these days, but how are you?

I will write about ice cream again this week.

I ate "Choco Monaka Jumbo" this week. I remember eating it on the way home from high school. It's a taste of memories for me.

Did you know that this was recently renewed? When I ate it, it tasted much better than before. The crispy feeling has increased before.

If you haven't eaten it yet, please try it!


  1. Hi,Riri!!
    I like tkat ice cream too!!
    I'm more chocolate than vanilla.
    I want to eat something renewed!!

  2. Hello, Riri!
    I didn't know "Choco Monaka Jumbo" was renewed. I love the crispy texture. It made me want to try it!

  3. Hello Riri!
    It's been hot lately, and after seeing your post, I really want to eat ice cream. I was also interested in the renewed Choco Monaka Jumbo, so I'm happy to hear your impressions.I will try it next time.

  4. Hi, Riri.
    I also had Choco Monaka Jumbo this week. What a coincidence!! I didn't know that it was renewed. After thinking about it, maybe it tastes better than before lol.

  5. Hello, Riri! I thought summer is coming soon!
    I love the best "Choco Monaka Jumbo" of Monaka ice. I have not tried eating it, so I want to eat it!

