My diary #1


On Tuesday, I went to see live viewing of Takizawa Kabuki. This stage is starring SnowMan, and it is called the ultimate Japanese entertainment.

I was very impressed. I thought it was very amazing that everyone was doing their best.

I ate souffle pancake before watching.It's very delicious !

Thank you for reading:)


  1. Live viewing of Takizawa Kabuki is very nice! I wanted to see it, but I dicouldn't take this ticket. Please tell me about this stage.

  2. Hi,Riri.
    The pancake in your phote look very delicious, so please tell me the name of the shop!!

  3. Hello, Riri! I ate souffle pancake that you ate last Sunday too. Have you eaten curry that this cafe sell? It is very delicious. I want you eat not only pancake but also curry if you went to this cafe again!

